Friday, September 16, 2011

13 Unlucky Things I've Learned From the Internet

It would be really cool if I were posting this on Friday the 13th, but I'm not. I'm posting it on Friday the 16th.

Today's post would be about writing, but I'm scared I'll just end up talking so much about myself and my own novel project that no one will want to read me anymore. Personal blogs don't get much traffic, after all, even if they are author blogs. I'm trying to offer more for readers and such, because to be honest, who gives a crap about how close I am to finishing my  novel? I mean, sure...if I were famous and everyone were on edge for the latest installment of my epic adventure, but that's not the case. I'm a broke college student trying desperately to just let people know I exist before I throw my hat into the ring.

So without further ado, my latest attempt at entertaining people:
  1. Everyone one Facebook seriously thinks that 'probably' is spelled 'prolly'. This also holds true for 'think' and 'thank' if  you live in the Southern United States. Yes, I know of people who actually believe that 'think' is spelled t-h-a-n-k. 
  2. Everyone on Twitter is a porn star, without exception. Even the people you know personally and very well. *nod*
  3. Each and every item, person, place, thing, or even verb has a group of insane fanatics.
  4. Each and every item, person, place, thing, group, or even verb has a group of insane haters that seem to think of new reasons why the aforementioned thing must be banned from the universe on a daily basis.
  5. Say a picture, video, or block of text seems incredibly weird and hard to understand. Chances are, it's supposed to fulfill specific needs.
  6. It is impossible to tell when someone is trolling and when they are seriously stupid.
  7. So you think you've found the weirdest thing you've ever seen. Don't forget to think again. WARNING: The sound on my computer was off when I looked at this website, so I have no idea if there's some loud freaky sound. I honestly have no idea what the hell this site is trying to do. Try and see how long you can click through before that weird feeling growing in your spine makes you close out the tab. I'm not saying that Meat Planet is the weirdest thing on the Internet; I'm just not in the mood to ruin peoples' lives with the things I could link. Plus, I've repressed most of them.
  8. No matter how wonderful something is, there is at least one person out there who will attempt to make a logical argument on why it is terrible.
  9. No matter how terrible something is, there is a legitimate group of people out there who will argue with you that it is/was wonderful. I had a link there, but I'm worried people will begin to think I support neo-nazism. I don't, by the way.
  10. Do a text search on something before you do an image search, for the love of God. It'll also help to have a parental control filter on.
  11. If someone tells you not to Google something, don't.
  12. If someone tells you to Google something, don't. 
  13. If you actually conduct a search for the aforementioned thing and find yourself actually amused instead of disgusted, you have won the Internet. Or you're a sick individual. It depends completely on what you were told to Google.

Now get on out into the world wide web and try not to lose your mind.

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