I'm going to post whenever it strikes my fancy, but I'm going to try my very hardest to make sure that there is at least a post ever Monday and Thursday. So far I've been going at one post every day, but you know how hard that can be when life knocks on your door and kicks you in the face.
I wouldn't be crazy to assume that's happened to everybody, would I?
That being said, I would like to leave you with this solid piece of advice:
I'm sure you've heard of this "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" craze that has been sweeping the Internet. If you haven't watched it already, I recommend you don't. You'll watch it again, and you'll have no idea why. Then you'll find yourself watching it a second time, a third time, and a fourth time.
That is when you will notice all of your friends making fun of you. My boyfriend refuses to watch because he believes they use some sort of hypnosis to attract men, and he wants no part of all that hoodoo.
I read the fanfiction Cupcakes before I had even heard of the show, and I swear that that's the only thing that got me started with it. Everyone else says it ruins Pinkie Pie. I have a deliciously morbid sense of humor, and have to admit that the story is the main reason why she's my favorite. 
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