I'm trying to have the first draft done in three months. I really feel like I have a chance of finishing this one seeing as its more than just a jumbled mess of ideas, so quite a bit of energy is going into the developing and outlining stages. In fact, I spent four hours today on character development alone. Granted, I did stare blankly at my writing journal for some of that time...but it's still something, right? It truly is amazing how long it can take just to decently fill out a bio sheet for one measly little person.
The main character is a fourteen year old Jewish girl living in Brooklyn, though not much of the story is set in the city. She gets taken into a world that the inhabitants refer to as "The Hidden World" by a man known as "the retriever."
As you can probably guess, it all goes down hill from there.
It's a magical little world full of all sorts of schmaltzy fairy tale elements and all that jazz, but its sinister secret is that every few years it must take a human sacrifice from our world to ensure that it survives. It's a bit dark, and I don't know how happy the ending is going to be, but I'm thinking that it has the potential to be a pretty good work. I honestly can't wait to get started on outlining the actual novel. This may even extend into a series if I can make enough content.
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