Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Think I Just Saw a Pink Elephant

I'm so sorry that I haven't been able to post or answer people for a little while! My internet has been just terrible. I had the Ginsburg post backed up just in case that happened (because, well, it happens often), but I think things are finally ready to go much more smoothly.

The novel I've been working on, however, could only dream of going so smoothly. I've been horribly sick for the past two weeks and haven't been able to make the hamster running around on a wheel in my brain active for what feels like an eternity. That's my excuse, poor as it is, for the bad writing you've been seeing in the past few blog posts. It seems I keep forgetting what I've already typed by the time I get to the end...sometimes of the sentence.

There's a fine, misty haze over all the world and the tiniest sound might as well be a hurricane outside my walls. For some reason that I'll never quite understand, however, I was able to read every single word of the animal behavior chapter of my Biology textbook and understand every word.

I know, not hard stuff...but normally I would be flipping through the pages and screaming, "WHERE THE FLIP ARE THE DRAGONS AND UNICORNS?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!"

So this post is basically an apology for the crappy content you've been seeing recently. I'm off to go drink an entire bottle of hot sauce.

I'm not even joking. This morning I shouted obscenities at Martha Stewart on television just because she saw it necessary to buy silver straws worth more money than I'll probably see in a few years. The entire house was amused.

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