This time, however, I told myself that such a thing simply would not fly. I buckled down and actually started outlining the thing, and didn't make myself too scared to plan out the story from start all the way to finish.
The only problem is that now I'm terrified of actually writing it.
On a related matter, I decided to bump the age of my main character from fourteen down to thirteen. While she's supposed to seem young and naive for her age, I was writing my scenes and realized that she just might be a bit too young and naive to be fourteen.
Is she too immature to be thirteen?
Incredibly. But not so much that it makes it look like I such at characterization. I've just got to say that I'm glad I made the change before I actually started on the manuscript. Does anyone out there know how annoying it is to go back and change things about a character (such as name or age) and then go change all of the references made TO that thing you changed? And all of the plot points it influenced?
Ugh. That's another reason to make sure you've got it straight before you start writing. Believe me, the more sure you are about exactly what is going to happen and when, the easier the actual writing will be.
Oh my gosh! The same thing happens to me ALL the time. Just today I was working on changing a few things in the current story that I'm working on, and I was getting sooo frustrated at all the things I was having to fix! I have one story completely outlined, but I got bored with it, and the one I'm working on now I'm still outlining :) Good luck!
Thanks! Good luck with your's :D It sucks to have to use find and replace because you're so far into the manuscript. Then you end up with weird words that have part of someone's name in them. Hilarious, but frustrating xD.