Friday, August 19, 2011

This unfinished poem will be the death of me.

I missed my post yesterday evening because I was at a funeral. Yikes. I've been meaning to post more often, but I don't want to turn this into one of those blogs made up of nothing but mundane posts about the author's life. Like, I dunno..."Today I ate some cereal I never tried before. I think I liked it. Not too sure. Peace, out."

I, out of desperation, choose to present you with this poem that I began an eternity ago. I warn you that I am a terrible poet, so please try to remember that I'm not trying to pass this off as Poet Laureate material like some writers who clearly aren't strong in poetry do.

Night descends like a blanket of lead.
Extinguish the stars. The light is dead.
Now is the time for the things that creep
to arise from their slumber and crawl out of the deep.

...and then that's all I got.  I've probably been working on that poem for six months now and that is always as far as I get. Still, it has a nice ring to it. I might throw it in a story as one of those songs that are overheard in the middle of a bar or something.

Though I have no idea what sort of bar would play a song like that, I'll have to admit.

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