Thursday, December 15, 2011

SOPA? So What?

THIS is what, damnit.

So SOPA is probably going to pass today. I've been listening to the hearing, and the entire thing can basically be summed up with one phrase:


I'm also guessing that no one--or almost no one--who is reading this blog post even knows what SOPA is. That almost makes me as sick to my stomach as the things being said in Congress. This thing can and will kill the entire Internet, and ninety percent of the population hasn't even heard of it.

Imagine every single website that even mentions something copyrighted is taken down.

Now imagine that websites can be taken down just because someone claims to own a copyright that they do not even own.

That's pretty much it. Only, well, it's so much more complicated than that--and horrifying. The Internet will be completely void of content provided by users. If you're thinking, "Hey, wait, that's the entire Internet!" then good job, you  understand the dangers.

The Internet was once the one and only place that total free speech still existed. Well, not anymore. What's perhaps the most sickening part of this whole fiasco is that SOPA won't just effect the United States. It's going to effect other countries, too, and just about everyone who uses the Internet.

There are lots of reasons why I'm an indie author, and none of them are that I'm a hipster. I hate hipsters with a burning passion.I don't want my stories to be at the mercy of what someone out there thinks people want to read. If someone wants to read what I write, they can. If they don't, they shouldn't. I don't want to change it to make uninterested people read it. If it's not their cup of tea, it's not their cup of tea. My worst fear is having an editor change my hypothetical zombie novel into an erotic spy thriller before it hits shelves. I want to write what I want to write. If there's editing, I want it to be because I screwed up in the plot consistency or made a grammar error.

Ladies and gentlemen, they are now going to edit and regulate the Internet if this thing isn't stopped.

And let's face it. If what I heard in those hearings is true, they're going to pass SOPA no matter what because they gave the bill a fancy enough name.

Here are more links:

The nightmarish SOPA hearings
How SOPA would affect you
How SOPA Affects Gamers
Stop SOPA, Save the Internet
And one more

Well. I'm going to go listen to Rage Against the Machine and prepare myself for the imminent shutdown of my blog because I mentioned "Rage Against the Machine" and I don't own the band.

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