Thursday, October 13, 2011

If I Could Only Master the Art of the All-Nighter

After missing two whole post days, I finally managed to churn this one out on time. This is Thursday's post, and it really isn't much. Then again, I can't really say that anything I do is "much" just feels weird.

I have made a somewhat life altering decision: I'm going to put my novel in second place, and my schoolwork in first.

Well, maybe it isn't life altering...but it almost certainly is necessary (and extremely temporary). Right now I have two papers due at around the same time that I haven't even started on and a myriad of tests I'm certain will come as complete surprises to me when I show up for my classes. I sort of know they're there, but let's face it, I have no clue when they'll show up and slap me in the face.

I also might even have one class I've forgotten completely about and haven't even shown up for in a week or two. Yikes. For some reason, my brain has been extra scattered lately. I even managed to spell "immediately" as "ammediatley". This usually happens to tired people, but I'm not the least bit tired. I'm busy, sure, but you can't really count that seeing as I've put nearly everything off.

My novel is now about 35 pieces of notebook paper and about 2/3 of the way through the first part. I've got it split up into three parts, so that's about 22% of the way through if I don't totally suck at math.

Which I do.

I guess the point of this post is that somewhere in all the mess that unfolded in my trying to fit two scenes on the novel a day in between homework and all of the random crap that popped up, I stopped and said to myself, "Hey, remember when this used to be fun?"

So for the next two weeks, which is all that it should take for me to get those two long term projects done, I'm not going to write like it's a job--just a hobby. I'll get back to the rush, which I also love, later.

Make sure you're enjoying what you're doing, or you'll strangle your story to death.

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